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Richard GonzalezRichard Gonzalez

Center Director, Research Center for Group Dynamics, Institute for Social Research
Director, BioSocial Methods Collaborative, RCGD
Amos N Tversky Collegiate Professor, Psychology and Statistics, LSA
Professor of Marketing, Stephen M Ross School of Business
Professor of Integrative Systems and Design, College of Engineering


E-mail: Email Richard Gonzalez
Address: Research Center for Group Dynamics
Institute for Social Research
University of Michigan
426 Thompson Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106
Phone: 734-647-6785

The role of the spouse in exercise among cardiac patients

Apr 16, 2011 | Psychology

A dyadic study examining the role of the spouse in exercise among cardiac patients.

Hong, T., Franks, M., Gonzalez, R., Keteyian, S., Franklin, B., & Artinian, N. (2005). A dyadic investigation of exercise support between cardiac patients and their spouses.Health Psychology, 24, 430-434. doi:10.1037/0278-6133.24.4.430 PMid:16045379 (PDF)


The authors examined married partners’ similarity in reported exercise behavior as a moderator of the association between social support for exercise provided and received by extending an actor–partner dyadic effects model. Participants were married cardiac rehabilitation patients and their spouses (n = 99 couples). For couples similar in their reported exercise behavior, a significant association was found between both partners’ independent reports of providing exercise support to and receiving exercise support from one another (n = 49 couples). However, for couples differing in their reported exercise behavior (n = 50 couples), no association was found between either partner’s provision and receipt of support for exercise. Findings have the potential to inform practitioners of patients who may not be receiving adequate social support for their recommended exercise. Future interventions may consider implementing dyadic educational or motivational strategies with patients and their spouses.