Richard Gonzalez
Center Director, Research Center for Group Dynamics, Institute for Social Research
Co-Director, BioSocial Methods Collaborative
Amos N Tversky Collegiate Professor, Psychology and Statistics, LSA
Professor of Integrative Systems and Design, College of Engineering
E-mail: | Email Richard Gonzalez |
Address: | Research Center for Group Dynamics Institute for Social Research University of Michigan 426 Thompson Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 |
Phone: | 734-647-6785 |
Articles in Design Science
Using choice theory to assess different methods of eliciting stakeholder needs in a design problem
This study evaluated three user requirements elicitation and prioritization methods including open-ended, clustering, and discrete choice.
Testing the perception of runnings shoes in both treadmill and outdoor running
The purpose of this study was to assess the intra-runner reliability of the previously developed ride rating 5-point semantic differential scale and the influence of surface on reliability ratings.
Testing perceptions of running shoes during treadmill and outdoor running.
Richard Gonzalez Center Director, Research Center for Group Dynamics, Institute for Social ResearchDirector, BioSocial Methods Collaborative, RCGDAmos N Tversky Collegiate Professor, Psychology and Statistics, LSAProfessor of Marketing, Stephen M Ross School of...
A new approach to assessing the subjective experience of a running shoe
Developed a multidimensional approach to assessing the subjective experience of a running shoe’s ride
Can experienced designers learn new tools?
Generating novel ideas is a challenging part of engineering design, especially when the design task has been undertaken for an extended period of time. How can experienced designers develop new ideas for familiar problems? A tool called Design Heuristics provides strategies that support engineers in considering more…
Teaching concept generation to engineers
We show how our heuristic techniques help engineering designers explore the concept space to achieve more novel solutions and explore the problem/solution space more effectively.
Setting up an interdisciplinary design education program
This reports emerged from a series of workshops funded by NSF on different approaches to interdisciplinary design education. It provides a comparison of several degree programs.
Using design heuristics to generate design ideas: An evaluation in an engineering course
We evaluate a subset of our design heuristics in an introductory engineering course.
Craftsmanship judgments of vehicle interiors vary across culture
This paper investigates the user-perception of vehicle interior craftsmanship.
How can behavioral decision theory contribute to product design?
The field of engineering design have been making use of some standard consumer decision making findings and models, such as discrete choice models. We review the notion of constructed preferences from the behavioral literature and work through some implications for engineering design models, including designing for sustainability in a way that is sensitive to preference inconsistency in consumers. We provide interpretations of some of our own studies along these lines.